Saturday, March 6, 2010

Agent Boo

By: Alex De Campi
Illustrated by: Edo Fuijkschot
Science Fiction/Graphic Novel
~This is a fun story about a little fourth grade girl named Boo. She lives in Space City which is one of the multiuniverses. The multiuniverses are protected by a group talented people called The Agents. The Agents have come to Boo's school to pick three new agents to replace those that were lost in combat. Each Agent has a companion, which is an animal. The companion is the one who picks the new agent that they will work with. The people who are picked are usually seniors and have great talents. The first two companions pick Asano, and Kira. Pumpkin the cat was up next to pick the last Agent. Out of no where he picks little fourth grade Boo! The three new Agents then head off to the training center to start their training, when they are interupted by their first mission to stop Queen Misery in snow city. Unfortunately they make Boo stay behind becuase she is so young. After the agents leave, Queen Misery actually comes to Space City. Boo has to protect Space City! She first hides in a closet and the mirror of futurereflection can answer three question. Boo asks if the egg timer will help her defeat Queen Misery and before she can answer Queen Misery enters the room. The egg timer will grant three improbably wishes, so boo wishes for Queen Misery to fall into a crater, but nothing happens. Then she wishes that giant pirate space monkeys come flying in, wearing kilts. The egg timer goes off, and the giant space pirate monkeys come a defeat Queen Misery. Boo has saved the day, and now Boo is taken seriously and is now a real Agent.
~This would be a good begginers chapter book for students. It is an easy read, and is a graphic novel as well containing comic book strips that explain the action going on in the book. It would be fun for students to create their own small graphic novel either from this story plot, or from one that they make up on their own.

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