Friday, March 5, 2010

Fantastic Mr.Fox

By: Roald Dahl
Illustrated by: Quentin Blake
Modern Fantasy
~This is a great beginning chapter book for students. It is a cute clever book about a fox who outwitts three mean, rich farmers. The first farmer, Boggins, was a chicken farmer with thousands of chickens. The secone farmer was Bunce and he was a duck and goose farmer. The third farmer, Bean, was a turkey and apple farmer. To feed his family Mr. Fox used to steel from the farmers. One day, the farmers got tired of Mr. Fox stealing their animals, so they decided they were going to stake out atMr. Foxes hole, and shoot him when he came out. The three farmers shot Mr. Fox's tail right off, but he survived and went back in his hole. The farmers decide to dig Mr. Fox and his family out, first with shovels then with machines, but Mr. Fox had the idea to keep digging deeper so they would not get them. When the three farmers got tired of digging, they decided just to wait outside the hole becasue they knew he would have to come out sometime for food or else they would starve. The farmers had all their farmhands with guns and flashlights all over the land to be sure the fox's did not dig through the other side. Unfortunatly this affected all the other digging animals like Badger, Weasel, and Rabbit, becuase these men shot at anything that dug out of the ground. Mr. Fox had a great idea. So him and his son's dug a whole up and into Boggin's chicken coup, Bunce's stock house of plucked and ready to eat duck and goose, and Bean's secret cider cellar. They told all of the starving digging animals to come to a feast, so Mrs. Fox prepared a grande meal with the Badgger family, the Rabbit family. and the Weasel family. Mr. Fox decided there was never a reason for anyone to leave because they had everything they needed right here.
~You could start off a classroom application for this book by working on reading comprehension. Have questions for students to answer at the end of each chapter to be sure they are understanding the reading. You could also have students make a problem/solution chart and think of different solutions that the Fox's could have done to remain safe from the farmers. Also, have students make a three fold venn diagram to compare and contrast the three farmers.
~Students could also create a wordle. Have students write a short summary of the book and then paste the summary into wordle to come up with a neat word diagram that focuses on the most used words in the summary. This is another fun way for students to portray their comprehension.
Wordle: Fantastic Mr. Fox

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